Diabetes Assignment Essay

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Assessment 3 Case Study PART A Tom is a 56 year old overweight salesman who has recently been diagnosed with Type 2 (NIDDM) diabetes mellitus. He arrives at our clinic after a fasting blood glucose level is abnormally high. 1. Describe the pathophysiology of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Type two diabetes is the most common type of diabetes; it affects 85-90% of people who have a form of diabetes. Although it is known to be more common in adults, more and more children and babies are being diagnosed. The pancreas of those People who suffer type 2 diabetes makes limited insulin, but doesn’t produce enough to enable the body to function effectively. Diabetes is a result of generic and environmental factors. The risk of diabetes type two is greatly increased by lifestyle factors such as; overweight, lack of exercise, poor diet and high blood pressure. http://www.diabetesaustralia.com.au/Understanding-Diabetes/What-is-Diabetes/Type-2-Diabetes/#Managing Type 2 Diabetes. 2. a) What are the three main aims when treating Tom (a newly diagnosed diabetic). • Ensure Tom maintains a healthy low carbs, sugar free diet. • Encourage Tom to exercise more frequently. • Ensure and encourage Tom to have his BSL recorded regularly. b) Give an example of a nursing intervention for each aim. • Have a dietitian assess Tom and design and healthy eating plan. • Gain a physiotherapy, mobility and exercise plan. • Follow medication charts and attend to BSL TID. 3. What are four chronic complications of Diabetes Mellitus that Tom could develop? Chronic complications of diabetes cause changes in blood vessels, tissues and organs. Re occurring high glucose levels can lead to hardening and thickening of blood vessels increasing the risk of heart disease, Retinopathy (blockages of blood vessels within the eye causing blindness, diabetic nephropathy (kidney
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