While observing Aliza on July 19th I noticed how well she played with others. I watched and listened how she played with her older cousin, Sandra. Sandra was the mother and Aliza was the daughter. While playing this game I notice how Aliza would actually whimper like a little baby and act as if she were sucking a pacifier to sooth her crying. I also notice how she changed the tone of her voice as an attempt to get into the character of the baby.
Taking an interest in all she can from songs to toys, to dance moves. Chloe’s relationship with me being a familiar face was synchrony (Barnard & amp; Martell The developing person through the life span, Bronx Community college), smooth, as I would play with her and her favorite dolls. I believe all her personality traits I encountered on this day were that of a mentally happy and healthy toddler. All her actions point out to a happy 2 year old exploring and enjoying
According to Berger fine motor skills are “physical abilities involving small body movements, especially of the hands and fingers, such as drawing and picking up a coin”(Berger 145). Berger states that “toward the end of the first year and throughout the second, finger skills improve, as babies master the pincer movement and self-feeding” (Berger 145). According to this information Maya being two years old is inside the range of this skill and within the norm. Cognitive Development: As Maya observed the toys she quickly started banging on them using her hands. She looked amused with the “bang” noise the toys were making.
Phillis soon after being adopted into the Wheatley family “experienced special, much-indulged comfort” (Lauter 1297). Phillis was treated quite differently from the other slaves that she lived with; it was if they accepted her as one of their own children. Phillis Wheatley was a very intelligent child and Mrs. Wheatley noticed this about her when they brought her home, for she “was frequently seen endeavoring to make letters upon the wall with a piece of chalk or charcoal” (Odell 10). Due to Phillis’s inquisitive and precocious nature, Mrs. Wheatley decided to take it upon herself to educate the young child, in teaching her how to read and write. Being “tutored by family members, she quickly learned English, Latin and the Bible” (Lauter 1297).
This is why play and activities are excellent tools for supporting the development of speech and language. Nursery rhymes, songs and musical instruments, music classes : This activity can help children listen, take turns and by joining in communicate, and practice speech as they repeat words, rhymes and sounds to the beat of a melody. Puppets and cuddly toys: By using puppets and toys to communicate with each other and directly to children, you can encourage them to participate and vocalise their opinions and answers to basic fun questions and dilemmas. Gym baby’s : This will help the baby physically develop as well as how to communicate in what they are doing. Communicating with babies from birth is very important , from birth if you have the pram facing the parent this is proven to be a great way to communicate with the baby right from the word go, this will then help the baby with their communication skills.
Social, emotional and behavioural A baby will start to enjoy their bath time. 6 months Physical Babies who look like they are parachuting as their lift their arms and legs. Cognitive Babies put toys and objects into their mouths to explore the texture. Communication A baby will start to lift their arms to say they want to be picked up for a cuddle. Social, emotional and behavioural A baby will show smiles of delight when they are playing with their primary carer.
As she progresses from a child to a young adult entering college, she realizes that the world isn’t all about looks. To her surprise, “everyone was extraordinarily nice and even interested.” (192) For the most part, Grealy fails at bridging the chasm, but she is successful in handling her emotions. Although her family is left to live their own lives, she moves on and finds friends who accept her for what’s on the inside. After many years of treatment, numerous surgeries and mental rehabilitation, Grealy finds just what she’s looking for. Although Grealy doesn’t reach that higher level of truth, and is in my opinion unsuccessful at bringing herself to her family and peers, she finds friends who don’t care how about she looks, the supreme conclusion.
English is her first and only language and she is confident within the nursery, spending a lot of time in the home corner and playing with the small world toys where she enjoys imaginative play. Sally and her friend Jude enjoy role play taking on the roles of members of the nursery staff. They often incorporate this into their games. Sally works well within the group. She shows increasing independence when selecting and carrying out activities and is always interested and excited to learn.
B1- Links up with D4- Why the examples of communication with children and with parents were effective Example one- Nursery rhyme pack with plan 1. My nursery rhyme pack which was a rhyme (Hey diddle diddle), a jigsaw that matched the song and also a finger puppet that the children could use whilst singing the song was a very good and fun idea for the children. It helped develop the children’s social, communication, and intellectual skills. A way in which it helped to develop their social skills was by them singing along with each other and interacting with each other. After I had completed my activity with them they were asking me many different questions for example, ‘how did you make the jigsaw’ and ‘can I have ago at using the finger puppets’, so by that they were also developing their communication skills.
I was able to observe her participate in the various activities such; as coloring with her friend she was very nice and willing to share her Crayolas, ensuring all he friends had something to color. She seems to be enjoying spending time with her friends. Her motor skills are well developed I observed running jumping and skipping all over the backyard. I spoke to Ella during my observation. Her language skills are on track; she is a very talkative 5 years old; she told all about her party and how she enjoys reading the Pinkalicious book series and she wants to turn pink like the character on the book and that her favor color is pink