Developmental Milestones: Birth to Age Two

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Developmental Milestones: Birth to Age Two Unit 5 CE114-Early Childhood Development Jacoven M. Staton | |Birth to Age 1 |Age 1 to Age 2 | |Physical and Motor |1. Lift head and chest |1. Walking | | |Strategy: Place the child on his/her stomach to encourage the child |Strategy: Help the child stand and position yourself within a couple of steps| | |to lift up his/her head and chest |in front of them and encourage them to walk towards you; increase the | | |2. Reach for and touch objects |distance as they continue to master | | |Strategy: Place the infant in an upright position and hold items in |2. Push and pull objects | | |his/her reach and encourage them to reach and touch the objects |Strategy: Provide the child with a sturdy push/pull toy and encourage the | | |3. Sit without support |child to push the toy forward and pull it backwards; modeling may be required| | |Strategy: Place the infant in the sitting position with the support |3. Scribble | | |of a Boppy pillow and when stable remove the pillow
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