Developing Attraction Body Language to Attract Girls

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Developing Attraction Body Language To Attract Girls Simply put, you need to get noticed to attract girls. You need to develop a ‘female magnet body language’. Perfecting this art can do wonders not only from the aspect of getting a girlfriend but also becoming a seduction expert. It’s easy to develop this body language. You need to add a few positive traits and delete some negative traits. You need to delete the traits which generate a negative body language. You would then need to consciously add a few seduction body language traits. A combination of these would turn your body language in a manner which sends out seduction signals to the girls around you. That’s when they get attracted. You will notice the “under the eye” glances coming from the girls around you and some might blatantly ogle at you. You will sense female attraction around you. These are the good things to come when you finish perfecting this art. Removing the Negative Body Language Each one of us has certain quirks or unconscious habits relating to our body language. These habits have been inculcated without our conscious knowledge and hence we are not even aware of it. Some of these habits are so destructive to our overall personality that it is best to get rid of them. It will take a conscious effort on your part to accomplish this. It might take a week or more to get a habit replaced. Be patient and keep practicing consciously. Here is a list of negative body language traits, try to figure out which of these behaviors is present in you. The drooping shoulders walk The signal which this body language sends out is that you are sluggish. It generates a perception of laziness and lethargy. Though you may not even feel lazy or sluggish inside, the body language which you wear makes people perceive that of you. The right body language would be to lift your shoulder so that your

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