The wrong person could receive the information and put the adult and child’s safety at risk. • Every matter relating to safe guarding is confidential. • The staffs at the work settings need to know that they have professional responsibility to share information with other agencies in order to safe guard children. • The head of the centre or the designated member of staff will disclose any information about child to other member of staff on a need to know basis only. • All the staff at the work setting aim to ensure that all the parents and carers can share their information with confidence that will be used to enhance the welfare of their children • Development records ( observation, planning ,photographs,….)
By maintaining a good relationship with the parents/carers we will be aware of any problems that may arise with a child and then be able to deal with it appropriately. I have a duty of care to raise any concerns I have with a child to either the Local Safeguarding Board or Police depending on the circumstances as written in my Safeguarding Policy. Protecting children - If equipment is unsafe and I don't deal with it a child could get hurt. * I also carry out daily risk assessments inside & outside my
Unit 79: Promote Positive Behaviour Unit summary The purpose of this unit is to provide the learner with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to promote positive behaviour and respond appropriately to incidences of challenging behaviour. 1.1 Explain how legislation, frameworks, codes of practice and policies relating to positive behaviour support are applied to own working practice within every care setting there are policies and procedures, in our job roles we are regulated by these policies and procedures and government legislation. Within my setting the staffs are trained in mandatory courses that cover all relevant legislation such as safeguarding ensuring that the staffs understands the legal policies in place to provide best care for the residents who they support. within my setting staff also have to attend challenging behaviour courses which focuses on behaviour that is challenging and help to put proactive strategies in place to de-escalate a situation and how reactive strategies may need to be used in the correct way to reduce and risk of harm to the individual This is an effective training course as it ensures staff to be consistent in their approach to challenging behaviour. Within my role along with other staff I am also responsible for recording and logging any incidents of challenging behaviour this will include any reactive strategies used and what first aid may have been required.
Also there must be standard procedures for dealing with incidents or allegation of abuse against members of staff and volunteers. 5. To have an agreement about working with other organisation like the social services ,CQC, and other multi-disciplinary teams ,etc 6. To ensure that all staff has training that helps them to understand and cope with working with children. And finally to check that there are no known reasons or information available that would prevent staff and volunteers from working with children and these are done with regular DBS check.
CU2938 – 2.1 The duty that a setting has to safeguard its children, staff, parents carers & support its community & regulators in their inspection processes is paramount, this means that recommendations within serious case reviews offer the opportunity to examine current practice, what's happening and how it happens, within the setting and externally with other organisations/agencies/service providers. Through this, practitioners can pass on information via their meeting agendas or promotion of their open door policy for raising concerns about practice or other, that anyone feels has the potential to contribute to or cause children's vulnerability. It helps everyone look at information and sharing it, storing it, transporting it,
This regulator is important as they ensure teachers training are kept up to date, to allow children and young people the ability to gain the best education possible, meeting and providing for individual needs/requirements. OFSTED are also reliable as they give members of the public reinsurance of child safety, putting parents / guardians at ease. OFSTED must abide by the Data Protect Act (1998) to prevent leaking of information which may put children/young people at risk. Safeguarding is also a regulation OFSTED professionals need to consider when inspecting and regulating schools as children’s safety and educational needs is at the heart of their
• Operating a safeguarding children allegations and complaints procedure and provide training for all NCMA employees so that they are aware of their specific responsibilities as either a “non-designated” or “designated” staff member. • Providing access (and, where applicable, training) to information, advice and guidance on our safeguarding children allegations and complaints procedure for casual workers, sub-contractors, key volunteers and trustees to understand their responsibilities. • Supporting good practice in home-based childcare in relation to safeguarding children by campaigning at a local level for access to safeguarding children training, including access to ongoing training on the Local Safeguarding Children Board’s (LSCB) procedures. • In England and Wales maintaining relationships with Ofsted and the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) in relation to responding to concerns. • Having complaints procedures.
Safeguarding and promoting Children’s Welfare Every child receives and enjoys challenging learning and development experiences that meets their individual needs and make sure they are safe. Child minders must safeguard children at all times if abuse is suspected it must be reported and I must record it. Documentation In my setting I have all the relevant policies and procedures to do with safeguarding I must record any accidents and bruises and tell parents about any incidents that has happened when they arrive. Suitable premises environment and equipment Indoor spaces toys furniture and equipment must be safe and suitable for the children in my setting Organisation Child-minders have to plan and organise in their setting to ensure the children develop and achieve challenging learning experiences Data Protection Act
1.1 Identify different reasons why people communicate. -To express needs -Share ideas and information - To express feelings - To reassure -Socialise - To ask questions -To create relationships -Encouragement -To understand and to be understood -Share opinions 1.2 Explain effective communication affects all aspects of own work. Within my own work we use staff message, staff meetings, and meetings with line manager to communicate with other staff. Using effective communication is important to ensure that the right care is given to each child. Effective communication is also important so that information given is clear, concise, accurate, and informative.
We also communicate in order to motivate the people around us to name a few reasons. 2. Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of own work whilst working in childcare effective communication is paramount. We communicate with the children in order to teach them new skills, we also use communication to encourage and motivate the children as well as other staff on a daily basis. We as staff must communicate in order to keep the children safe from relaying information of a hazard check or announcing the finding of a potential hazard to passing on concerns about a child if that should arise.