Determining How to Prevent Agricultural Pollution

881 Words4 Pages
Determining How to Prevent Agricultural Pollution I. Agriculture, more than most other industries, relies on the natural resources of the earth. With each action, potential for pollution exists. A. Knowing the possible sources of pollution can help prevent agricultural pollution. 1. The shipment of seed, food products, and machinery can transport disease organisms. 2. Misuse of chemical pesticides and fertilizers can cause pollution. 3. Excess water from irrigation, food processing plants, and fish production can damage lakes and streams. 4. Preparing food products produces some wastes that must be disposed of properly. Objective 2: Explain how soil conservation can reduce environmental pollution. II. Soil erosion is a source of pollution of water. As soil erodes, it flows into lakes, streams, and ponds. This causes a buildup of sediment and pollution. A. Several factors influence the rate of erosion. 1. Increased rainfall and increased average intensity of rainfall in an area increases soil erosion. 2. The most easily eroded soil textures are silt. The soil textures most difficult to erode are sands. 3. As soil organic matter increases, soil erosion decreases. 4. As length and slope increases, the velocity of water increases, giving it more cutting power. 5. Increasing soil cover with crop residues reduces soil erosion. B. Management practices can affect soil erosion. 1. Cropping systems should be used that include grasses and legumes because they hold soil in place better. 2. Grass waterways can reduce the flow of water across the land. 3. Contour farming around a slope allows furrows to act as terraces. This slows the velocity of water runoff. 4. Strip cropping involves planting alternate strips of legumes and grasses, small grains, and row crops. 5. Terraces retard the flow of water. 6. Cover crops can be planted to keep soil in place

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