Detailed Explanation of My Duties in “Al-Tawhid” Laboratory and “Alfa” Medicine Factory in Drug Test Department:

761 Words4 Pages
Detailed explanation of my duties in “Al-Tawhid” laboratory and “Alfa” medicine factory in drug test department: In “Alfa” medicine factory in drug test department we used to work in a group of 4-5 persons, 2 junior laboratory technicians (Biology + Chemistry), 1 or 2 students (trainees) with a little or no experience, one office guy and me as a senior laboratory technician. Our slogan is higher profits both in economic and health. I am the responsible for the drug test department budget, buying chemicals and devices, deciding the number of workers in the lab. Preparing economical and sceintifical feasibilities, deciding how to invest our budget in a way that leads to increase the profit of an industrial facility by reducing the costs and expenses and raising the quality of our products. I have regular meeting with salesmen and representatives. Trying the new in the market for the best of my company. And even I suggested a one year higher budget in my second year in the facility for a long term profitable work, and after that we cut our expenses for 17% each year. As head of drug test department and a team leader, I am the responsible for both chemical and economic staffs and employee too, for I am a team leader and not a dictator. I Try to incorporate them whenever it's feasible. Taking in coworker’s suggestions. Including everyone in our task. If some people are a little left behind, I help them. Always trying to include them. Finding a task for everyone no matter what their skill or level. We rarely faced workload, our duties distribution was balanced, we had a very strong planning process and accurate estimations by keeping all their strengths & weaknesses in mind, our staff was prepared for any unwanted circumstances. Me as a manager I used to define the organizational priorities to the employees by giving them a clear idea on what they need to achieve

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