Descriptive Essay on Six Flags

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Gabriel Braun Instructor: Eng. 101 1 February 2013 Dominant Impression: exciting Descriptive Essay: Rough draft Six Flags The first time people arrive at Six Flags, people get scared because some of them haven’t been on roller coasters, but also thrilled because they haven’t been on these thrill rides before. Even when people weren’t inside, people were able to hear the rumble from the roller coasters and people screaming. Some people aren’t big fans of amusement parks because of some of the rides just because of them not into rides that accelerate really quickly, but people were still eager to go there and ride those rides. Furthermore the way people see Six flags as the best place to be because I’s a place where people can get an adrenaline rush of excitement and wanting to ride every ride there and how once people walk in, it sets a mood right when people walk through the doors of six flags, also how once people walk near the amusement park they can smell the food of Six Flags. One reason why Six Flags is just the place to be for any sort of excitement because when a person went there and it felt like a dream because once people walked through those doors people felt this adrenaline rush. Like for instance six flags when people walk in they were so happy just by going through the doors of the amusement park. The reason why people think they were so happy just by walking in was because the look on their face right when they walked in their face was full of excitement and felt like a kid all over again because of the rides. Also another reason why they felt this rush is because people knew once they got on the first ride they probably felt kind of scared and had that Feeling in their stomach but also had this rush of excitement and couldn’t wait. People just couldn’t wait to get into the amusement park to ride all these exciting

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