Descriptive Essay On My Clock

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Chris Colon Prof. Morley English 1020 – 14772 8 February 2012 My Clock I wake up to constant irritating bells ringing in my ear immediately as my clock goes off. As I wake up I grab its cold steel base and try to turn it off but can’t see because of my blurry vision so I have to rely on feeling. My hand automatically goes to the back of the clock and searches each and every inch for the rectangular snooze button but touches everything but the correct button until I finally find it. As I finally turn it off I lay my head back down as a sign of relief until I can build up enough energy to get up and look at the time. I almost fall back asleep but for some reason the ticking from the clock becomes so distinct that it sounds like someone is snapping their fingers over and over again. While lying down I try to open my eyes more and more and finally wipe the sleep out of them and look at my clock. I now can see the time a bit more clearly but…show more content…
Even though my clock is completely annoying and especially irritating in the morning it still has done its job by waking me up. This is my everyday routine with my clock and as funny as it sounds it shows my love and hate relationship with it. Even though I hate how my clock wakes me up with its ringing bells I wouldn’t know what I would do without it if it didn’t wake me up half of the time when I really needed to be up for a specific reason. My appreciation for my clock only goes so far until I end up retaliating against it. There are times when I really need the extra sleep and when my alarm clock goes off randomly; that’s when I automatically hit the snooze button or completely unplug my clock. I can only ignore the irritating noise of my alarm going off over and over again for so long until I have to blatantly unplug it. Yes snoozing my clock does turn it off but it doesn’t last very long until my clock goes off again

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