Descriptive Celebratory Dance

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Megan and I were walking into the school for this year’s New Year’s dance. As the white snow was fluttering down around us, we could feel the fast, heavy beat coming from the forceful 12 volt amplifier though our bodies as we were getting ready to open the doors. Chills ran through my spine. We opened the doors and there was loud, pop music being played in a fairly dark gymnasium. Everyone was dancing and laughing, having an amazing time. There were tons of decorations that were silver and blue. Everything was glittery and bright. Megan and I ran to our friends and started dancing as well. By the fifth song, everyone was sweaty from dancing. The air was getting warmer and warmer the longer we stayed in there. The song “Thriller” by Michael Jackson was being played and almost everyone ran out to the dance floor, made six lines, and started doing the dance that went along with the song. Arms were flying, feet were moving, and my hair was falling out of its ponytail. After the song, Megan and I went to get a drink of punch. It was so cold, and it felt good going down my throat. James, the quarterback on the varsity football team, came over to me and asked me to dance, leaving Megan all alone. I will admit I felt pretty bad leaving her there alone. But I didn’t want to pass up this opportunity! We got out there just on time for the slow song. He grabbed me by the waist and started slow dancing with me. My heart was racing, and my face was burning red from being so shy. At the end of the song, he gave me a hug goodbye, and the dance was
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