Descriptive And Inferential Statistics

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Descriptive and Inferential Statistics Whether conducting literature reviews or completing original research, a person has to conclude what a versatile tool statistics is in the hands of any researcher. Whether it be from basic statistics like data description or complex statistics that foresee future patterns or even to strengthen scientific claims about current climates. Concerning the role of statistics, it cannot be taken with ease. In almost any field the role of statistics is essential, especially in psychology. The statistical method is divided into two main branches known as descriptive and inferential statistics that will be explained in this paper (Statistics for Psychology, 2009). First we will examine the functions of statistics. Statistics being an offspring of mathematics has many functions. Psychologists, scientist, and many individuals from all walks of life use statistics every day to understand group behaviors that have been broken down and categorized using the methods of statistics. Scientists and psychologists along with many others from the medical and biological field use statistics to understand patterns that form when their data has been collected and carefully analyzed. Researchers rely heavily on the use of statistics, and psychologists can learn not only patterns of behavior through the collection of research and statistics, but they can also determine the likelihood of the behaviors returning (Statistics for Psychology, 2009). Psychologist and scientists seek the understanding of events and behaviors; research is their way of proving theories concerning these events and behaviors. Collecting and making sense of all the data would be an impossible task without the use of statistics. Statistics is used for governmental purposes as well. Every seven years the government uses statistics to count or at least attempt to
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