Description of Perssuassive Speech

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EIGHT-MINUTE PERSUASIVE SPEECH Life situations often result in the need to convince other people to believe differently than they do at present; to offer a solution to a problem common to the group; to take a particular action in response to a current situation; or maybe to reinforce and strengthen current attitudes. This category allows participants to practice the skills involved in these everyday acts. A good persuasive speech will contain evidence and reasoning as well as sound emotional appeals. The need to thoroughly research and understand the issues, organize materials which will help in the persuasion process and practice deliverys of this information are only a few of the skills which can be acquired through participation in this category. Rules to Follow: 1. A speech in this category must be persuasive in purpose. The speech is to be written by the student who presents it and may: (1) alert the audience to a threatening danger; (2) strengthen devotion to an accepted cause; or (3) deal with a current problem and propose a solution. 2. The speech may be presented from memory or extemporaneously. Notes may, but need not, be used. 3. Audio-visual materials may not be used in presenting a speech in this category. 4. One of the criteria for evaluating the presentation will be the effective use of the time allowed. This speech shall be no more than eight (8) minutes in length. Even though there is no minimum time limit, it is strongly recommended that the student use a majority of the maximum time for an effective presentation. At the end of eight minutes, the timekeeper or judge shall stand and the student should complete the sentence begun. 5. A student may not use the same speech more than one school year, nor may it be used in any WHSFA Senior Division category. -19- EIGHT MINUTE

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