Describe Your Short-Term and Long-Term Career Goals

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1. Describe your short-term and long-term career goals and explain how your past experience together with an IMAS degree from NCCU will contribute to your achieving them. (1000 words maximum) My previous education was International Relations (majoring East Asian studies) and post-graduate program of Japanese Studies. Since the beginning, I have strong passion and curiosity on East Asian studies in interdisciplinary context. As we know that this regional has a very great history of civilization. Furthermore, many scholars mentioned that the countries in this region will be the next world’s main power as it shows many developments in many sectors; not only in the term of “hard diplomacy” but also the “soft diplomacy”. To support this passion, I also learned Chinese, Japanese and Korean language for helping me to communicate and understand the society in this region. I have very high curiosity and passion on how international people relate each other through many kinds of interaction, communication and cooperation in the term of interdisciplinary studies. Furthermore, in this globalization era, international relations are not dominated by the state actors anymore but already spread to grass-root actors (multi-track diplomacy). I want to connect and build up my international networks, and also promote Indonesia – Taiwan’s relations through education. For my career goals, I want to be a lecturer and researcher with East Asian expertise. I have a strong commitment to realize the concepts of education; 1) emphasizing knowledge, 2) growing the maturity and 3) developing the good manners. Of course, to be a good lecturer and commit with those concept, I have to increase my quality of knowledge and research. Beside of being a lecturer and researcher, in the future I want to be the head of international office in my institution. Nowadays, building up and maintaining

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