Describe and Evaluate Two Theories of the Formation of Romantic Relationships (8+16)

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The similarity model was proposed by Byrne, Clone and Smeaton, it's main assumption is that similarity promotes liking It proposes that there are two stages in relationship formation; stage one where we sort possible individuals for dissimilarity and avoid those most different to us, and stage two, where we choose out of the remaining, the individuals which are most similar to us. The two key areas of similarity are personality and attitudes, research has constantly shown that people are more likely to be attracted to others who have similar personality traits. Research also suggests that a process of 'Attitude Alignment' often occurs where partners modify their attitudes so they become more similar. Lehr and Geher provide support for attitude similarity, they studied men and women to test the importance of attitude similarity and recipricol attraction in liking. They were give a description of a stranger with varying degrees of similarity to the participants. They found that significant effects for attitude similarity is important for recipricol liking, and provides strength for the model. However the research was carried out via a lab study, so doesn't necessarily show that the principles of need satisfaction and similarity apply to real life (Mundane Realism), so it may weaken the theory. Cordon and Crano (88) believed similarity is important in the formation of relationships who are not similar to us, we lessen the chance of being rejected. However, there are research limitations, as only attitude and personality factors were dealt with Yoshida (72)pointed out that this represents a narrow view of factors important in relationship formation. Other factors could include similarity of self-concept, economic level and physical conditions have been found as important. On the other hand Rosenbaum (68) suggests that dissimilarity rather than similarity is the more
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