Describe and Evaluate the Multi Store Model

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Describe and Evaluate the MSM. The MSM uses the system of encoding, storage and retrieval meaning that the information is transferred into the brain and therefore stored as echoic, hepatic or semantic until it is needed and therefore retrieved. The MSM is made up of the sensory memory which encodes by touch store such as hepatic encoding, echoic and iconic encoding. The capacity of the sensory memory is very limited and the duration in 2-5seconds on average. The short term memory is mostly encoded by sound and images are transferred for echoic information. The capacity of the short term memory is 5-9items on average and the duration is 18 seconds. The long term memory encodes semantic meaning with information therefore making the capacity unlimited. The duration of the long term memory is also unlimited. The MSM model argues that in order for the information to transfer from the short term memory to the long term memory it must be rehearsed or otherwise it will get dropped out and therefore lost. The study of Jacobs 1980 asked participants to recall numbers and words after being shown on a board. This supports the MSM as the results were 7-9items recalled on average and that is the average recall number for short term memory. The study of Bahrick et al 1975 showed that ex-college graduates still remembered their ex-colleagues even after 45+years. This supports the MSM model as it shows that the capacity of the long term memory is unlimited. However Brown and Kulik refute the MSM as they argue that the flash bulb memory remembers emotional events such as the 9/11 bombing without rehearsal. The MSM model argues that information must be rehearsed in order to go into the long term memory. Moreover Craik and Tulving 1975 gave participants a list of words to remember and found out that if the words are semantic to the participant they were more
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