Descriptive Bus Station

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Jersey Bus Station I was walking through the bustling busy streets of Jersey in tourist season with the sun pelting down on my sweltering hot body. I was trying to squeeze my way through the pathways full of people to get to the bus station. I could see the sign for the entrance just over the heads of everyone. I continued to scuffle through everyone hearing the ever present cries of babies whine from all around me and the scampering feet trying to get to their next destination. I was surrounded by movement, noise and different smells. I brushed shoulders with the man who was holding his freshly dealt full bean coffee from the coffee stand. Then the hydraulics’ being dropped by the bus parked outside the station made a screeching hiss. I had finally reached the entrance to the station, the shutter doors squeaked open like the hair-raising sound of polystyrene on glass. As i entered the recently built building I immediately looked for the display screens to see what time my bus was due. It was hard to concentrate with all the noise and people. I was being continuously assaulted by the fresh smelling air conditioning I had happened to stand right under. My bus was due in…show more content…
Immaculately clean with no dirty toilet smell it was just air freshened and daisy smelling, cleanness which I was delighted about. The toilets almost drowned out all sounds from inside the lobby of the bus station. The only sounds I could hear was the slight sound of music and the tannoy announcements from the speakers and the occasional bit of noise from just outside the doors or when the doors were opened. I finished up and washed my hands in the lukewarm water and dried them in the neat hand dryer they had where you just pop your hands inside. My stomach was rumbling by this point so I knew food was needed. So I went back into the lobby to find a snack
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