An Analytical Review of corruption's ability to induce death and mortality In Hamlet For centuries, humanity has been intrigued by the profound discussion about death and the undefined inevitable state of mortality it presents. Death is often foreseen as the separation between the soul or spiritual being, and the biological compound of the human body. Factors which cause death can derive from the gradual onset of natural physical deterioration of the surrounding anatomy and mental capacity, much like the progressive evolution of corruption in a diseased state. Vulnerability can also lead to exterior instances of mortal exacerbation such as murder, suicide and accidental killings that are caused by a third party. In the play Hamlet, Shakespeare uses the theme of corruption to metaphorically represent the deterioration of each Character’s physiological well being and state of mind when exposed to corruption that ends in death.
At the palace of Circe, where Odysseus and his men stopped along their journey, there a death occurred. Elpenor, who was among Odysseus’ men, became intoxicated and fell off of Circe’s roof, breaking his neck and therefor killing him. Odysseus spoke out in honor of him, “‘So I spoke, and the inward heart in them was broken. They sat down on the ground and lamented and tore their hair out, but there came no advantage to them for all their sorrowing. When we came down to our fast ship and the sand of the seashore, we sat down, sorrowful, and weeping big tears’” (book 10, 566-570).
Lieutenant Cross knows that it was because of his carelessness, that Ted Lavender was dead. This is shown on page 346, when O’Brien writes, “He felt shame. He hated himself. He had loved Martha more than his men, and as a consequence, Lavender was now dead, and this was something he would have to carry like a stone
Recent government estimates indicate that on most nights at least 68,000 to 100,000 are without a home and an additional 186,000 may be living with family causing overcrowded living situations. Most emotional problems in homeless families are cause by severe stress and extreme poverty combined with inability to provide housing and medical care. (Bassuk and Zima 2008). Families who become homeless often depend on relatives and friends for assistance, frequently moving in with relatives and causing overcrowding living arrangements. From the overcrowding tension escalates and supportive relationship dissolve causing homelessness to occur again and again.
“ This day I ceased to plead…My eyes were open and I was alone-terribly alone in a world without God…without love or mercy” (Wiesel,65). This quote shows Elie beginning to lose his faith, and therefore his hope. He has suffered so much that he has stopped trying to escape the darkness, he has embraced it. As a result of this tumultuous time in his life, Elie is forever changed. He says "The night was gone.
Her family is livings life where they cannot control what could happen to them because they don’t have money to fix these problems nor do they have the power to stop them. “The strife has lasted too young and had been too painful for me to call him back to continue it.” (pg. 100) This quote is fulfilled with grief and sorrow because Nathan and Rukmani’s last child, Kuti dies. At this point in the story, death is being caused because they don’t have enough money to support their children or feed them. Markandaya is showing fear by Rukmani not being able to support her children therefore they will die off if nothing is done.
This shows that his ambition and self-image of bravery wins over his virtues. After Duncan’s murder, his “partner of greatness”, Lady Macbeth, starts to fall ill and is going crazy. Her powerful personality is disintegrating, and this leaves Macbeth even more alone. Even after gaining the throne, Macbeth is still insecure about remaining on the throne, and he goes and orders a series of murders. However, all this does is add to the terrible guilt that haunts him (Banquo’s ghost) Macbeth is lonely and alone, and has nobody once Lady Macbeth dies.
When the plague arrived any artists started a darker era for painting. “Paintings were overflowing with tortured souls, death, dying, fire and brimstone”. ([->0]) Another way art changed was because of all the death of the artists many people say “the heart of the culture world was torn open”. Other effects of the plague were that darkness was brought to not only art, but literature and music. Artists thought it was pointless to try an bring beauty to a hellish world.
Along with these losses he also suffered many financial failings. Mark Twain’s last fifteen years of his life were filled with many highs and lows, such as death, fame, and bankruptcy. Mark Twain suffered many losses during the last fifteen years of his life. In 1896 Mark Twain lost his favorite daughter, Susy, to spinal meningitis. “The loss broke his heart, and adding to his grief, he had been out
The Handling of Grief in Hamlet An ever present feeling in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet is grief. Brought about by many different character’s deaths, grief is an emotion that turns toxic to the characters who struggle with it the most in Hamlet. According to, grief is defined as keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss; sharp sorrow; painful regret. With the untimely deaths of people close to the hearts of the play’s main characters, as readers we observe how they deal with grief in their own way. The play’s main protagonist Hamlet lets his grief over his father’s murder fuel his thirst for revenge, Ophelia lets the grief over the murder of her father Polonius drive her to apparent suicide, and Ophelia’s brother Laertes is pushed to conspire with Claudius to kill Hamlet as a result of his grief.