Dem 202 - 1.2, 1.2

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1.1 Describe what is meant by a person-centred approach Person-centred approach is a package of care negotiated with and delivered to the individual requiring support; it takes account of the needs and wishes of that individual. Person-centred approach focuses on the person rather than the illness or abilities they may have lost, for example rather than seeing dementia as the focus is important to see and focus on the person. Therefore, instead of treating the person as a collection of symptoms and behaviours to be controlled, person centred care considers the whole person. The person-centred approach enables care to be delivered to individuals with dementia in ways that respect those individuals values, needs and preferences and which offers them real choice. In terms of developing a successful person-centred approach to care, a working knowledge of Carl Rogers’s growth promoting core skills is essential, which are empathy, honesty, unconditional positive regard which means accepting the individuals without any prejudice and developing rapport which provides the basis for person-centred approach. In addition to this, person-centred approach looks at individual’s needs, this links to Abrahams Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, for example looking at the person’s physiological need which is shelter or food. 1.2 Outline the benefits of working with an individual with dementia in a person-centred manner The benefits are that the individual and their families will feel empowered and safe within the care being provided. If everyone within the care setting is carrying out a person centred approach and recording and passing on relevant information to other staff members everyone will become familiar with the individual and their requirements, which in turn will make them feel empowered too, this will go a long

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