How fast dementia progresses will depend on the individual person and what type of dementia they have. Each person is unique and will experience dementia in their own way. 2) Describe the key functions of the brain that are affected by dementia: The key functions that are affected by dementia are: * Temporal Lobe – Responsible for vision, memory, language, hearing and learning. * Frontal Lobe – Responsible for decision making, problem solving, control behaviour and emotions. * Parietal Lobe – Responsible for sensory information from the body, also where letters are formed, putting things in order and spatial awareness.
Unit DEM 201 Dementia awareness Level: 2 Unit DEM 201 Dementia awareness Assessment Criteria Outcome 1 Understand what dementia is The learner can: 1. Explain what is meant by the term ‘dementia’ Dementia is the progressive decline in cognitive function due to damage or disease in the body beyond what might be expected from normal aging. Unlike Alzheimer's disease, which is a specific change in the brain, dementia is more of a generic term that can include many conditions and various causes. 2. Describe the key functions of the brain that are affected by dementia Temporal lobe - responsible for memory, hearing, language, learning and vision.
The first step in communicating with a patient with dementia is to assess what their level of impairment is. A person may have difficulty in remembering the meaning of words or phrases. Or it could be much more severe and affect the person with a total inability to speak. There are many different techniques that can be used when dealing with dementia patients such as using very simple language and instructions, give clear instructions and don’t overload the person with too much information or questions. (Funnell, R. Tabbner's Nursing Care, 2012) Speech therapists work with people who have difficulties in communication due to
DONCASTERDoncaster Metropolitan Borough CouncilOrganisational Development | Learner: Kelly WardAssessor: Vanessa WalkerUnique Learner Number: 3237066795Registration Number: JWE1605 | Unit DEM 301Understand the process and experience of dementia Credit Value 3 | Outcome 1- Understand the neurology of dementia | 1.1 Describe a range of causes of dementia syndrome | The word dementia is a term which describes a serious deterioration in mental functions, such a memory, language, orientation and judgement. The causes are still not fully understood.Types and causes of dementia:Alzheimer’s disease: is the most common cause of dementia. It is caused by nerve cells dying in certain areas of the brain. In addition to this, the connections between affected nerve cells deteriorate. As the disease progresses, it spreads and affects cells in other parts of the brain.
Unit 16 2874 20/06/15 Dementia Awareness 1. Understand what dementia is. 2.1 Explain what is meant by the term dementia. Dementia is a persistent disorder caused by a brain disease or injury and is diagnosed by memory disorders, personality changes, and impaired reasoning. 2.2 Describe the key functions of the brain that are affected by dementia.
UNIT 13 Dementia Awareness 1- Understand what dementia is 1.1 Explain what is meant by th term 'dementia' The term 'dementia' describes a set of symptoms which include loss of memory, mood changes, and problems with communication and reasoning. These symptoms occur when the brain is damaged by certain diseases, including Alzheimer's disease and damage caused by a series of small strokes. Dementia is progressive, which means the symptoms will gradually get worse. How fast dementia progresses will depend on the individual person and what type of dementia they have. Each person is unique and will experience dementia in their own way.
UNIT 4222-237 DEMENTIA AWARENESS OUTCOME 1 UNDERSTAND WHAT DEMENTIA IS . 1.1 Explain what is meant by the term ‘dementia’ The word dementia is used to describe a group of symptoms. Although dementia is commonly thought of as memory loss, the reality is much more complex, and symptoms between the different forms of dementia can vary a great deal. Dementia symptoms can include memory loss, confusion and mood changes. 1.2 Describe the key functions of the brain that are affected by dementia.
NVQ Level 2 DEM 201 Unit 4222-237 Outcome 1 1.1 The term dementia describes a set of symptoms which include loss of memory, mood changes and problems with communication and reasoning. These symptoms occur when the brain is damaged by numerous certain diseases. Dementia is progressive, which means the symptoms will gradually get worse. How fast dementia progresses will depend on the individual person and what type of dementia they have. Each person is unique and will experience dementia in their own way.
Unit DEM 201 Dementia Awareness DEM 201.1 - Understand what dementia is 1.1 - Explain what is meant by the term ‘dementia’ · The term dementia is a progressive long term condition that affects the function of the brain, leading to memory loss, confusion, speech and language loss and changes in personality and behaviour problems. 1.2 - Describe the key functions of the brain that are affected by dementia. · The brain is made up of 3 parts the hindbrain, midbrain and forebrain and it is the forebrain which is affected by dementia. There are four sections of the fore brain the frontal lobe which enables the individual to plan actions and learn new tasks. If there are problems with this lobe, the individual has to relearn certain routine tasks shopping and cooking.
Unit 13 – Dementia Awareness Question 1 – Understand what dementia is 1.1 Explain what is meant by the term ‘dementia’ The term ‘dementia’ is used to describe a collection of symptoms which may affect an individual’s ability to carry out daily activities, such as washing, dressing, cooking etc. Symptoms may include memory loss, communication issues and difficulties with thinking and problem solving. An individual suffering from dementia could also experience changes in their mood or behaviour. The signs and symptoms of dementia are caused as a result of specific diseases such as Alzheimer’s or a stroke that involve the damaging of brain cells and can affect both older and younger people. 1.2 describe the key functions of the brain that are * affected by dementia The main areas of the brain that are affected by dementia in terms of causing difficulties with their functions are as follows; a.