Definition of Leadership

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DEFINITION OF LEADERSHIP COURSE NAME DATE : UNIVERSITY NAME INSTRUCTOR NAME DEFINITION OF LEADERSHIP According to the northouse “leadership may be defined as the process by which the leader influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.”(Northouse, 2007) So the objective of the organization is being accomplished by this process and the motives are directed to attain certain goals. Leadership is being executed by the process of knowledge and the skills. This is called process leadership. The leaders are formed due to the process of the self-study, training, education and experience. (Jago, 1982). The leadership style is being executed by the leaders and the rest people follow them. In the U.S army, four different factors were mentioned, leader, follower, communication and the situation (US army, 1983). It is very important for one to know the leadership abilities for which a particular leader is being chosen for the organization or the mission. The leader must be capable enough to motivate and inspire the other people of the organization in the positive way and one who is courageous enough to take the bold and the brave decision with little risks involved in it. A leader is supposed to be the smart person in deciding something as the decision would really matter in the context of the results of some important task. He must be responsible in each and every way. The followers are the people who abide by the decision of the leader. There are different people among the followers who need to be tacked in the different way. Some people are always self-motivated and have the spunk to do well, while some other people are potent enough to do well but they lacks the motivational forces within themselves and hence requires someone to push them constantly to bring out the good results. The communication between the different
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