Definition Essay on a Good Parent

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Karyn Palmer Professor Terry Benjamin English 101- 011 February 10, 2014 A Good Parent Parenting also referred to as child rearing is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. According to Wikipedia, the most common partaker in parenting is the biological parent or parents of the child in question, although others may be an older sibling, a grandparent, a legal guardian, aunt, uncle or other family member or a family friend. Governments and society take a role as well. In many cases, orphaned or abandoned children receive parental care from non-parent blood relations. The question at hand however is, what makes a good parent? Being a parent may be a fulfilling experience to an individual. The aim of parenting is not to be perfect but to provide your child with the sense of being loved. Expressing love and affection, being a role model and providing order for your child or children are characteristics of being a good parent. Expressing love and affection may come in many forms. This may be through a gentle cuddle, a little encouragement, appreciation, approval or even a smile. All this can go a long way to build the confidence and well-being of your child or children. Another way of expressing love may be through telling your child how much you love them. Doing this on a daily basis leaves them with reassurance that someone actually cares. Children may be a lot to work with at times but no matter the situation the words “I Love You” should be emphasized. Giving a lot of hugs and kisses may also leave them with that feeling of love. Often, parents tend to force a child to be who they envision them to be order to gain their love. Loving a child unconditionally in spite of the decisions they make in life can be the best way of expressing
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