Define the Term Sensitive Periods and Link Them Appropriately to the Child’s First Stage of Development. Explain How You Would Support These Sensitive Periods During This First Crucial Stage.

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This essay explores Montessori’s three phases of development. Infancy, childhood and adolescence with particular focus on the first phase. Furthermore it introduces the six main sensitive periods (Montessori, 1966) which appears mainly during the first phase of development. The essay also explains the importance of these periods and the consequences of not recognising and supporting them. It contains details of a suitable environment and shows some examples of how adults can prepare the right environment in order to meet child’s needs. Development of men in the period from birth to eighteen is divided by Montessori into three very specific stages of growth. The first phase from birth to six years, also known as infancy or the Absorbent Mind (Montessori,2007a) is divided into two sub-stages the spiritual (Montessori, 2007a) and social embryonic (Montessori, 2007a) stage. The spiritual embryonic stage starts even before the child is born in the mother’s womb and lasts the first three years of life. Children learn unconsciously through interaction with their environment and an adult does not have any direct influence. It is an inner power ´horne´ (Montessori, 1966) which enable them to absorb the environment around them and unfold the personality (Montessori, 2007a). In the social embryonic stage (three to six years) the horne is replaced by the will and the child becomes more independent on the prime carer. The child demonstrates a greater awareness of the company of others and can be separated from the family for short periods of time without feeling insecure. The child usually begins nursery education, makes friends and begins to become approachable in a special manner. (Montessori, 2007a) The second phase childhood at the age between six and twelve is the period of growth but without big transformation. The development becomes more stable and calmer

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