Defiance: Defying Against Family and Culture

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Christopher Barcase Ms. Wile GS English 2 21 November 2012 Defiance: Defying Against Family and Culture In chapters of “The House on Mango Street” series by Sandra Cisneros, Defiance is a common theme. Throughout the story Cisneros shows a character (Mostly female) working to defy against someone or society as a whole. The author refers to men as pigs and shows women stepping up and going against them. Also, the author shows the importance of a person’s name, and what a person’s name entails to them .Defiance is often portrayed as going against a person’s family or culture. Often defiance shows the change within a person defending herself or himself against the average everyday person. Defiance is often a means of protection as portrayed in “House on Mango Street”. “Beautiful and Cruel” shows defiance as a common theme. In this chapter the author refers to the character as “The one nobody comes for” and “Ugly daughter” The daughter in this one says that everyone often tells her that when she gets old everything will fall into place. She wants to be able to defy the normal. At the very end she states she is starting her own “silent war”. The author insinuates that now the character in the story is starting her own war. She is no longer following what everyone does or says. She wants to become her own person and begins to defy society. In the end the author portrays that men are pigs by saying they leave a mess and the job of a woman is to clean it up. This is the start of Cisneros showing defiance in “House on Mango Street”. In the chapter “My Name” the author shows how a woman defies her family and cultures by wishing to change her name. Often a person’s name has a history behind it. Whether the name has a cultural background or the name has been passed down
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