Decline Of Brands

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Brands are everywhere in the market today. Is there anything that could cause advertising to cease? James Surowiecki uses his article “The Decline of Brands”, to explain that brand value is beginning to recede. He then explains some of his reasons why the decreasing brand value is taking a toll on businesses. Also showing that consumers are not satisfied with the quality of their products According to Surowiecki (2004), author of the article “The Decline of Brands”, it is the introduction of “a new breed of hyperinformed superconsumers” (p.1) that has an influence on the decline of brands. What does the author mean by “hyperinformed superconsumers”, and how are they different than any other type of consumer? Brands have advertised in the United States for over 100 years. Brands are found on the television, the Internet, and in newspapers. The idea of brand values decreasing in coming into the light, but it is a slow process. At first, consumers spent more money for big brand products, leaving the smaller brands to almost disappear; but now, consumers are not as loyal to brands. Thus saying, Surowiecki’s uses this essay to make the reader curious why brands are in decline. The first way Surowiecki’s article makes the reader curious is by incorporating facts and figures. When he states, “nearly half of those who described themselves as highly loyal to a brand were no longer loyal a year later” (p.1), he wants the reader to relate to this study. Once people can relate to this statistic, they can inquire about the fact and they can determine if they fit that statistic. When readers are given facts in an article or story, it brings meaning to the statement. The next way Surowiecki uses fact and figures to make the reader curious is through numerical facts. Surowiecki states that, “the US patent and Trademark office issued an incredible 140,000 trademarks – 100,000

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