Death Penalty Should Be Abolished

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Death penalty should be abolished. Have you ever been punished for something that you did not do? What would you feel if someone sentenced you to death because of a crime that you absolutely had nothing to do with? The first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) clearly states that “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” (). Life is the most fundamental and basic right that humans have since they are born until they die. They deserve to live and no one has the right to take their life away. However, capital punishment violates this very primary right. Capital punishment or the death penalty is the highest form of punishment in which a person is put to death for the crime they caused. This kind of sentence still exists in many countries around the world despite the fact that it is considered brutal, violent and immoral. Even though there are many debates whether our society should keep the death penalty or not, it is strongly believed that violence will never be the right solution for rising criminal. Instead, death penalty should be abolished. There are many reasons that the abolition of death penalty will be a significant change of human right. Supporters of the death penalty – especially families whose relatives were murdered or killed - believe that the death penalty is morally valid and justice. It is understood that families who lost their relatives in murder feel deeply sorrowful, which leads to their hatred and causes them to seek revenge and fairness. However, they will not feel happy and the dead person cannot be brought back to life after the murder was executed. In fact, it is just another form of killing, a violation of the natural right. As we are living in a civilized society, the principle of
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