Death Before Dishonor

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Death before Dishonor/ Aftermath of Actions When sacrifices have to be made and hard decisions are faced; they may have the most negative consequences that could possibly turn into a spiral of death. When family ties are broken, and lives are cut short. Justice is sought out for what is said to be right and wrong. Betrayal will turn into revenge, but seen as justice through the actions of murder. The war between the Greeks and the Trojans starts when Agamemnon and his brother Menelaus, the king of Sparta, gathered a huge fleet and army to recapture Helen, Menelaus' wife, who was stolen by Paris, a Prince of Troy. Agamemnon being the selfish king of Agros, wants nothing more than a swift voyage to dominate one of the largest empires in the land which was Troy. The Greek fleet, on its way to Troy, was trapped in Aulis by unfavorable winds. Agamemnon learned that the winds were sent by Artemis, the goddess of the hunt. In order to appease her and sail on to Troy, Agamemnon betrays his marriage and family for the greater good of the kingdom by sacrificing his daughter, Iphigenia. "Yes he had the heart to sacrifice his daughter!--to bless the war that avenged a woman's loss, a bridal rite that sped the men-of-war."(544) Clytemnestra is fueled by the vicious acts of Agamemnon by taking his daughter's life and his ambition to conquer Troy. "And the rumors spread and fester, a runner comes with something dreadful, close on his heels the next and his news worse, and they shout it out and the whole house can hear; and wounds--if he took one wound for each report to penetrate these walls, he's gashed like a dragnet." This vision of Agamemnon's death she talks about as if she fears it; really represents her deepest desire and, the purpose that she now prepares to execute. (536) Clytemnestra seeks justice for the murder of her daughter Iphigenia. Her plan to slay her

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