Deaf Like Me

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Deaf Like Me by Thomas Spradely and James Spradely is an inspiring and interesting story about a Deaf child named Lynn. Lynn was born Deaf, due to the fact that her mother Louis, had German measles while pregnant with her. Despite of her deafness her parents wanted her to be "normal". They were told by experts for Lynn to be "normal" she would have to learn to lip read and speak. After years of her parents, Louis and Tom, persistently trying to teach her to lip read and speak, Lynn made little progress. They faced many obstacles and hopes. They tried using a hearing aid, audio trainer, gave her lessons, and spoke to Lynn as much as they could. Besides from these measures, Lynn was not making as much progress as they hoped. After years of believing Lynn must become vocal they were introduced to the idea of Lynn using sign language to communicate. At first they were hesitant because of what they had heard, and because signing was not allowed at most of the deaf schools. After meeting with some signing friends they decided to give sign language a try, hoping it wouldn't hinder Lynn’s learning. They soon found that signing was a very important discovery for Lynn. For once she could actually understand what her parents were talking about, and she could also express what she wanted to say. Her parents quickly realized that this was Lynn's native language, and she could learn and understand by using sign language. Before reading Deaf Like Me I never thought about how it must be frustrating for a child that cannot speak or sign to get across how they are feeling, or if they want something. They know what that want to say, but do not have a way of expressing it. This can also be frustrating for a parent who just wants to help their child. An example of this was when a father spoke up during a meeting, saying his son can speak few words, and also understand few. His son and

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