Isabella LaBianca English 2H, 5th Mrs. Miller Dead Poets Society “Dead Poets’Society”: IDK In the film, Dead Poets Society, Peter Weir illustrates the romantic elements of nonconformity and nature. As the film opens, Todd Anderson, a shy and lonely teenager, under pressure from his parents to succeed like his brother, arrives for the new semester at Welton Academy. He sees a different side to this strict school after the first day of English class with the new teacher, Mr. Keating. His first words of wisdom, perhaps the most important, to the boys are in his first lesson: “Carpe Dium lads! Seize the day!
The movie Dead Poets Society follows a group of teens at a strict school who become heavily influenced by the transcendentalist philosophies of their new teacher, Professor John Keating. The values they are taught completely change their entire perspective and attitude towards life. For the most part this is a good thing, as the boys normally lead boring lives that they are bored with. They form a group known as the Dead Poets Society and their lives are immediately changed forever. They live by the philosophies of writers like Walt Whitman, Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Mary’s son a High School senior was in the jeopardy of flunking English. She had a meeting with his teacher and was told that her son would flunk because he lacks the motivation to get his work done and fools around in class. Mary told her son that his teacher was going to flunk him ,so he made English his priority and got serious in the classroom. Mary believes that the policy of flunking students and supporting parents gave her son the opportunity to advance in life. She believes that it worked in the past and will work in the
In the book Rodriguez takes every thing that his teachers say at face value and he never questions if perhaps they could be wrong or mistaken on subjects. In school Rodriguez read acclaimed literary books: Great Expectations, Crime and Punishment, The Scarlet Letter, and Wuthering Heights. Which his teachers praised him for considering the books were a bit advanced for his grade and for the fact that other students lacked the ambition to read them. So he decides to be really ambitious and he wants to impress his teacher with his new reading choice. So he decides and tells his teacher that he wants to read the bible but the teacher (nun) feels that it is out of his reading comprehension and would be difficult for him to understand.
The difference between the feeling of the schools in the movie and book are significant. The surrounding of the school in the movie and the novel seemed not quite the same. One school came off as a very serious, dedicated school with an advanced curriculum that worked hard to prepare its students for college. The other, was perceived as a place where parents sent their sons to get an education while being secluded from the distractions of the outside world. Both the movie and novel still portrayed the typical all-boys prep school, but in different ways.
In Albert Camus’s The Outsider, freedom is portrayed as the conformity with the guidelines and expectations created by society, and following this rules in search of acceptance. Meursault is the “outsider” in the novel, because he refuses to be what society expects of him. Instead he chooses to be different and live by his own set of rules and expectations. Mr Keating from the movie “Dead Poets Society” is a high school teacher for the private school Welton, who gives his students a new perspective in life as they begin to follow their own dreams and ideas, which completely contradicts the expectations of their parents and school representatives. In both the novel The Outsider and the movie “Dead poets Society” it is evident that liberty does not exist, since a person is only free while obeying society’s guidelines.
Blinder’s essay was thought out and written properly on one point I think was off. Blinder referred to the “No Child Left Behind” as an institution set up to help student get ahead, when that very program nulls the thinking of students. Alan Blinder will need college students to work “on developing a creative workforce that will keep America incubating”(Blinder 12) but within the No Child Left Behind Act students are forced to learn at the same pace as the slowest student in the room, which does nothing for the new innovator of tomorrow who will become bored with school after having to slow there pace of learning. If Alan would have used this act as a part of his reform in the educational system it would have supported his claims of the system that we already have is hurting of future and not insuring that our younger generations will be able to compete in this
Dre’s motivation is to learn self-defense so his fellow classmates who are bullying him will leave him alone. Mr. Han’s motivation is to teach Dre self-defense and to also get over his great loss. The minor characters are Sherry Parker, Dre’s mom, Mei Ying, Dre’s crush, Cheng, the main antagonist/bully and Master Li, the Kung Fu teacher of the students bullying Dre. Sherry’s motivation is her son, she is very protective of Dre and wants to see him happy. Mei Ying’s motivation is also Dre, she quickly befriended him and also has a crush on Dre.
Fergus McCann is a typical 18 year old boy, who is studying for his A-levels. His Mam is trying to encourage him. ‘That doesn’t look like studying to me.’ This show’s that his Mam is trying to keep him focused so that he can do well and get out of the troubles when he is older. She is trying to make sure that the fact his brother is starving himself in prison on a protest, isn’t distracting his studies. Dowd makes Mam come across as trying to guilt Fergus into studying.
Simply stated, he is the man voted most likely to do anything in his senior yearbook. That anything turned out to be an English teacher, or better a life teacher, to a group of young men who were naive about the world they lived in and everything outside of their small boarding institution. Meet John Keating, the teacher played by Robin Williams in the influential movie Dead Poets Society. The teacher who used all aspects of the word ethos to motivate and transform his students’ lives. Ethos can be described as the nature, character, or unique values peculiar to a particular human being.