Dbq Unit 7

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VOCAB 57-70 * Executive Branch: section of the government which is responsible for executing laws. In the federal government, the executive branch consists of: the President, the Vice President, the Cabinet, all the executive departments, and several administrative agencies. * Legislative Branch: section of government that makes laws. In the federal government, the legislative branch consists of: Congress, the Library of Congress, the Congressional Budget Office, and General Accounting Office, and the Government Printing Office. On the state level, the state legislatures make up the legislative branch. * Judicial Branch: section of the government that interprets the laws and administers justice. In the federal government, the judicial…show more content…
2) 1828- Around Presidential elections 3)Jackson was elected as President. * 1832 Tariff: tariff passed in 1832; passed to meet Southern demands about previous tariffs; failed because it didn't meet demands but it did do away with the worst of the abominations of 1828 and lowered tariff of 1824 by ten percent; caused Nullification Crisis; was amended by the Compromise Tariff of 1833 * Thomas Jefferson: Thomas Jefferson was a Republican who believed that the future of the U.S. would lie in the hands of farmers. "Long Tom" Jefferson was inaugurated to the presidency in the swampy village of Washington on March 4, 1801. While Jefferson was president, the Louisiana Purchase was made, Lewis and Clark were sent to explore the newly acquired land, the Barbary Pirate threat was silenced, and the Embargo Act was passed. While all of Jefferson's presidential acts were not always successful, he always put the country ahead of himself. His patriotism and loyalty to the U.S. Under the executive branch of the new constitution, Thomas Jefferson was the Secretary of State. When Alexander Hamilton wanted to create a new national bank, Jefferson adamantly spoke against it. He felt it would violate states rights by causing a huge competitor for the state banks, then causing a federal monopoly. Jefferson's argument was that since the Constitution did not say Congress could…show more content…
Later, he was Commander of the Continental Army during the American Revolution. His greatest achievements were: (1) his surprise victory at Trenton, (2) holding the army together at Valley Forge, and (3) his major victory at Yorktown. Later became the first president of the USA. He was not affiliated with any political party. After serving one year, he gave his farewell address where his 2 major points were (1) stay away from political parties because they will split the nation and (2) permanent alliances between other
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