Dbq Outline

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Outline for DBQ Thesis: The industrial Revolution that began in England in the 1700s due to the natural resources England possessed, the working class, and the new inventions that improved industrialization. 1. One reason the Industrial Revolution began was due to the natural resources England has. a. Document 1 i. England had the resources that were needed for industrialization which were coal, iron, wool, cotton, canals, led, and tin ii. This supports the topic sentence because the map shows the resources England had within their country therefore it relates to the topic of natural resources. b. Document 4 i. “England is rich in these advantages, that she has coal and iron lying close together, that her sheep give the best wool, that her harbors are plentiful, that she is no ill- off for rivers” ii. The author, George Warner, adapted this book in 1899; years after the revolution happened, therefore, he can see what an advantage it was to have natural resources nearby which helped England industrialize. 2. The Industrial Revolution began in England because of its working class. a. Document 2 i. “People left other occupations and came to spinning for the sake of high wages” ii. The witness saw what was going on in the factories and since they experienced working in the working class, they have a better understanding of the people and how it was ran. b. Document 3 i. Workers were so productive in factories because they worked together and some preformed two or three distinct operations. ii. This reminds me of the Third Estate because they all worked together to rebel against the government and come up with a new constitution, and just like the workers, they worked together to get the final result. c. Document 8 i. The changes in agriculture enabled England to industrialize easily because the government wasn’t interfering, agricultural
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