Day My Mother Went to Jail

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The Day My Mother Went to Jail Anthony Davis Eng 121 English Composition I Lindsay Harrel April 26, 2013 The Day My Mother Went to Jail For as long as I can remember, my mother has had problems with drug use. Her drug abuse has hurt me in multiple ways, in multiple situations. However, the day she was arrested for drug possession was the most significant experience I have had. It changed my whole perspective on life. In this paper, I am going to share my point of view as a child experiencing my mother going to jail. I will be going over how it made me feel, how I reacted to the situation, and how it changed me. Let me start from the beginning. My mother has always had a drug addiction. In fact, I was conceived and born on drugs. Throughout childhood my parents were so heavily on drugs that I barely saw them. And as a young boy I was just excited to meet new people but looking back now, I realize that was wrong. When I was 5 years old my mother gave me and my other siblings up to the state. All of my siblings were separated into different adopted homes. Unfortunately for me, my father was still around and also addicted to drugs. So it was like I never left the situation to begin with. When I got older I my mother told me that she knew while being on drugs she would never be able to give us the lives we deserved. So she sucked up her pride and gave us a new chance. I hated her for years. That until she went to jail. When I decided to reach out to my mom, it had been 2 ½ years since I saw her. She had stopped doing drugs, left her boyfriend, and got a job. I was so proud of her. Gracie was now 8 years old and they both seemed happy. I had just began my junior year in high school and everything in my life seemed to be going great. I was visiting my mom and sister frequently and would babysit my sister when mom had to work. All was great

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