Day Dreaming Benefits

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You! You’re nervous about your last round. Running through the images in your head thinking about what you could have done differently. You! Honestly, you are probably just off in lala land. Imagining unicorns and ponies and cotton candy and cupca. Moving on. You, you probably don’t even recollect what I just said. And you, can’t wait to go home. I know expos rounds can be boring, but come on guys stop daydreaming at least for the next 7 minutes where we will learn the intellectual benefits to daydreaming. We will first daze through the history of mind wandering. Subsequently, we will fantasize what is psychologically going on when you drift off into a day dream. Finally we will snap back into reality to discuss the benefits, and yes I said benefits, to daydreaming. Daydreaming has been around ever since the first human got bored, but throughout these thousands of years the way society has perceived them has most defiantly changed. PYSCHOLOGY TODAY IN 2010 states that now-a-days mind wandering isn’t really much of a phenomenon. It is simply a natural thing that occurs when we are bored. It’s nothing special, in fact you are the odd one out if you don’t daydream, however this is not how daydreaming was perceived in ancient times, and no I’m not talking about the 90’s. You see ACCORDING TO BRAIN TALKS IN 2013, daydreams were the subject of ancient healings from the gods in primitive societies. The Greeks ascribed a god to the area of dreaming, by the name Morpheus, who visited the dreamer and was in charge of the many smaller gods who brought messages to the dreamer. To them this idea of mind wandering was a special thing and not something that just happened to the average human. AS HISTORY OF DREAMS SAID IN 2003 before there were machines and laboratories ancient civilizations were able to come up with their own hypothesis about everyday dreams. Most of these

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