Day And Night

759 Words4 Pages
Day and night is caused by the rotation of the Earth about its axis. At any given time, the half facing the Sun will be shined upon while the other half will have no light. Places in the former will therefore experience day while places in the latter will experience night. Of course, since the Earth is rotating, the illuminated places will not be illuminated forever. After some time, it will be their turn to experience night. Now, if only the Earth’s axis was perpendicular to its orbital plane, all places on Earth would experience equal times of days and nights, i.e., 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night. However, this is not so. Day time is bright and dazzling, while the night is dark and dim. It’s an almost perfect balance, like yin and yang. The earth rises to the warmth of the sun in the morning and sleeps to the embrace of the cool moon in the night sky. While the sun…show more content…
It not only provides for all the light during the day time, it is also the chief reason for the moon light at night. The positioning of the sun and earth is such that the sun can face only one side of the earth at a time. As such, the side which faces the light experiences day time, while the other side faces the moon and experiences night. This, however, changes in a matter of hours as the earth rotates and the side which experiences night now experiences day and vice versa. How Does It Work As against the popular notion of sun coming out in the east and fading out in the west, the position of the sun is fixed and does not change at all. It is the earth that does all the movement by rev around the sun which creates the illusion. Sun rises in the east due to the earth’s rotational pattern. It rotates from west to east. And later in the noon, when the sun appears approaching south it is actually the earth is rotating southwards. As the earth approaches and gets closer to the west, the sun is believed to have set. Length Of The

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