On This Day In 5 Years

727 Words3 Pages
On This Day in Five Years I awake to the rustling and bustling noises of my aunt moving around in the kitchen. At 4 in the morning, it is still pitch black outside, only the moon illuminating a small fraction of the sky. I change quickly and see what my aunt is up to. She is already preparing food for breakfast. I sit to the side and watch her every move. Once she’s done, she gives me a smile and a nod in my direction to let me know that she’s ready for our morning routine exercise. I step outside and breathe in the cool fresh air. It’s so quiet and peaceful at the moment, but in a matter of a few hours, the streets will be full of people and honking cars, opening markets and stores with sellers trying to lure people in, and aromas of delicious food being prepared for the day’s meals wafting in the air. My aunt and I head for the mountains not far from our house. The path alternates between uphills and downhills for about three miles. It’s hard work, but once anyone reaches the top, they wouldn’t mind the burning sensation in their legs. The whole entire city of Seoul can be viewed; everything is perfectly situated that makes it look like a puzzle. My aunt and I take a moment to catch our breath, then we head back down. Once we reach the house, my uncle is at the door to greet us. Since he’s a morning sleeper, he heads out later for his exercise. I help her set the table for breakfast. What I find really interesting is that in Korea, food is the second most important thing aside from family. Whenever you sit down for a meal, there’s always enough food provided to feed a whole entire army. Once the table is set, we all pitch in. After we’re through, my aunt packs me lunch for work. In the meantime, I help clear the table and wash dishes. Then I take a shower, clean up, and get dressed. Before I know it, I’m in a taxi headed for the hospital about 10 minutes from
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