Dawes and Young Plan

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Dawes Plan-Reduced the costs | Young Plan-Reduced the due date | -Charles Dawes was the US budget director. In April 1924, he was sent to Europe to sort out Germany's economy. The plan consisted of:>2-year freeze on the payment of reparations>The level of German payments had to be scaled down>The USA offered huge loans to Germany.?French agreed to take their troops out of the Ruhr.next 5 years, Germans paid bill of 1 billion and got US loans of 2 billion.+Currency was stabilised, inflation under control+Large loans were raised in the United States and the money used to invest in Germany and reduce unemployment.+Germany able to meet obligastions under TOV for next 5 years.+Money spent on new factory. French wanted Germany weak but Dawes plan helped Germany to get stronger.+Goods were made and exports rose.+Labour force increased and unemployment dropped.+ Dawes also arranged the Dawes Plan with Stresemann, which gave Germany longer to pay reparations. Most importantly, Dawes agreed to America lending Germany 800 million gold marks, which kick-started the German economy.+HELPED ECONOMY LESS VULNERABLE AND REPARATIONS PAID ON SCHEDULEreduced reparations, reduced annual payments, eded allies supervision of payments and help secure the allied troops.No stable enough to be trusted with their own affair. | -Designed to investigate the continued toll of reparations on Germany, massive inflation and large-scale unemployment.-Young plan set total reparations of $26,350,000,000 to be paid over a period of 58 years. Reduced by 3/4-Adopted by Allied Powers in 1930-Replaced Dawes Plan-Divided annual payment, $473million, into 2 elements, unconditional part (one third of the sum) and a posponable part (remainder). -Rest was raised through transportation tax and from budget.+ It extended the deadline of the reparations, meaning that there was more time for Germany
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