Dawes Act and Homestead Act

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Homestead Act and the Dawes Act Dawes proposed the Dawes Act because he wanted to help the American settlers in the East to develop the United States in the west. Basically, they wanted to divide up Native American land and sell it to make a profit since they had so much land that everyone can spread out evenly. He was successful in developing the nation westward but the Native Americans weren’t too happy about it. The retaliated knowing their land was being taken from them and they were being out in these reservations where the soil wasn’t rich and there was no water or life around. Just themselves and the tools they needed to survive. The Indians viewed this act as a complete invasion of their space and that it was unfair. First of all, it’s like someone coming into your house willingly and saying they were going to live there. It just didn’t seem right to them. The Homestead Act was introduced to let Native Americans who were already citizens to get land as well as women. It’s basically the same thing as the Dawes Act because they were both helping the United States grow westward but then again, the Native Americans weren’t happy about it. It was successful in helping the United States move westward but the Native Americans weren’t happy about it because their land was being taken away from them. Students would have made modified it to make it fairer to the Indians by putting them in favor. They would have probably given them ¼ of the land in the west and took the rest. Or maybe they would have talked to the Indians first and give them a share of the profit they make from the land. Whichever way is fair to the Indians, I would have went for

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