Dating and Self-Disclosure

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Dating and Self-Disclosure Dating and Self-disclosure When you are upset about McDonald’s doing away with the dollar menu, you normally wouldn’t have a problem expressing those feelings to a stranger on the street. When you are upset about a grandparent passing, you obviously need a closer relationship and someone whom you trust. Making these relationships can be tough and getting good advice can be even more difficult. Through this evaluation of popular advice in the media, I am going to examine some professional advice, add research credibility, and try to improve on that advice. A very effective way to build or strengthen relationships is to reduce uncertainty about the relationship through self-disclosure. Self-disclosure is telling others your personal information and is a technique for building and strengthening relationships. Disclosing personal information is a communication strategy than enables people to go from strangers to friends and eventually lovers (Guerrero, Andersen & Afifi, 2011). In an established relationship self-disclosure is a vessel by which we create stronger and deeper bonds. However, during initial interaction or the beginning stages of a relationship, the task goal of self-disclosure is to reduce our uncertainty about the situation and our person of interest. It is important in any relationship that you know how to effectively disclose information while also maintaining your identity goals. A recent article titled, “Self-disclosure and dating: relationship advice from Theo Nestor,” discusses some helpful advice for those initial interactions of self-disclosure. The author, Theo Nestor, identifies what she believes to be the main component in successful relationship building to be compatible rates of disclosure. For instance, if you tell someone that you enjoy waterskiing then the natural progression of the conversation
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