Data Storage Technology

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Introduction Computer data storage is a part of the computer and recording media that stores electronic data used for computing ( Data storage provides one of the main functions of the present computer, that of information keeping. It is one of the primary components of latest computers, and with the central processing unit (CPU), implements the basis computer model used since the 1940s. A data storage can both store and process information. The storage device that only stores information is called a recording medium. Devices that route data can be access through a separate portable and removable recording medium or through a permanent component to store and retrieve information. Any electrical data storage device will requires an electrical power to save and retrieve data. Electro-magnetic data can be kept in an analog or digital system. This kind of data is believed to be electronically encoded, even if it is not electronically kept in a semiconductor device because a semiconductor is used to record it on its medium. Almost all of the electronically processed data storage device are called non-volatile memory because data will not be lost when power is taken out from the device. On the other hand, information stored in semi-conductor devices are called volatile memory because information are lost when power is taken out ( Khurshudov, 2001). Except for barcodes and optical character recognition (OCR), electronic data storage is easy to adjust and is cost effective than the other alternatives because of the smaller physical space required and it is also easy to replace data on the same medium. Functions of Data Storage Computer data storage plays a very important role in providing the significant function of keeping information. Storage technology include computer devices, components and other recording medium. The memory of the data

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