Daphnia Essay

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Daphnia is a freshwater zooplankton classified as a water flea. Some of Daphnia’s physical characteristics include: transparent outer covering, its sensitivity to toxins, and developing quickly to adaptations (Deken, 2005). Brine shrimp, also known as Daphnia, are crustaceans that belong to the order Cladocera, which are related to shrimps but not in the exact family. Many organisms in freshwater habitats eat Daphnia so Daphnia does not have any effect on other living things. There is no current predicament related to Daphnia. The main focus on the experiment is to notice any differences in the heart rate of the species Daphnia. It’s needed to keep the water as neutral as possible because of the fact that Daphnia’s usual heart rate is three-hundred beats per minute (British Pharmacological Society, 2010). The heart rate can be monitored and counted in different conditions. The objective is to see if changing the water temperatures will harm the heart rate of the Daphnia. Daphnia have a wide tolerance to temperature (John Clare, July 2002). The optimum temperature for Daphnia magna is 18-22oC (John Clare, July 2002). Daphnia are to be kept in a specific temperature in order to live safely. Daphnia are cold-blooded so changing the temperature will affect how fast or slow they’re heart beats. The most common known changes in Daphnia are when changed by chemical solutions, pH, and also water temperature. For example, Daphnia are usually kept in tanks besides the freshwater which indicates that some of the chemical added to tank water could affect the Daphnia. The basic formula used to calculate Q10 is dividing the heart rate at room temperature by either the heart rate at cold temperature or warm temperature (Campbell, Neil A. and Jane B. Reece, 2002). How does the temperature changing effect the Daphnia from the inside? How long will Daphnia survive in a

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