Dangers of Teen Obesity

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On average 33 percent of teenagers are obese. Obesity is a big problem in todays teen society. There are many different reasons for teenage obesity. Some are poor eating habits, lack of exercise, genetics, and emotional eating. With more help we can limit the number of teenagers that remain obese until theiran adult. One of the big reasons teenage obesity is common is that teens have poor eating habits. These habits can change but there has to be motivation. Teens need someone or a group of people to show them they care. When a teenager eats a McDonald’s double cheeseburger, large fries, and has a soft drink with it they are consuming up to 1131 calories where the average teen only needs between 1800 and 2100 calories per day. If there is a group to tell them how making better decisions will benefit them in the long run, they are more likely to choose better foods to eat. Choosing better foods can help prevent some of the health problems that obesity can cause, for example diabetes. People with obesity are 5 times more likely to develop diabetes. Another reason that teenage obesity is so common is lack of exercise. We live in a world where technology is what everything is about. Teens can sit on the computer, text on their phones, listen to their iPod, or watch TV. None of these take any physical activity. Teens will tell you that they go outside less and less as they get older. Teens with obesity or that have risk factors for obesity need to exercise. If a teen gets a group of friends together and goes walking it does not seem like exercise. They can talk laugh and have fun while getting the daily exercise that we all need. Now some teens say well I don’t live by any of my friends and they don’t have anyone to walk with. A group of people could be formed to help with this problem. The group can meet up once or twice a week in a park and go walking as a big

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