Dance And Culture

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Dance and Culture Dance is an art form that generally refers to movement of the body, usually rhythmic and to music, used as a form of expression, social interaction or presented in a spiritual or performance setting. Almost every culture has its own special dances. People use dancing for many important events like naming children, getting married, or even going to war. Dance can help people mourn, or celebrate. Also, it can help keep cultures alive and heal the hurt between cultures. There is one culture in particular that is in danger of losing its traditions. This is the Roma culture. Roma people came from northern India thousands of years ago. They now live in many countries in Europe. Roma people are also called Gypsies. Gypsies do not settle; they are nomads. Through dances from the Roma "Gypsy" trail, we can see the beauty of Roma culture. Traditional Roma clothing is beautiful. It is made with bright colors and flowing cloth. The dances are playful. They show the Roma desire for freedom. And the Roma are a people united in their love for freedom. "Dance expresses the deepest parts of our being in a way no words or book could ever do." Miriam Peretz,an ambassador of culture through dance who wants to help heal hurt between cultures and have designed and performed “Miriam's Well”, said. The name Miriam's Well is from a Jewish legend which says that a well provided water for the Israelites in the desert. The well followed the Israelites every place they went. They called this well "Miriam's Well." There are three main religions in Jerusalem: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. The dance connects the stories of three women named Miriam, Maryam, and Mary, one woman from each of the three religions. The well in the dance is a symbol of the Creator God's love. In the dance, all three women dance with containers. They place these containers into the well to
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