Daily Life Of a Plantation Slave

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Daily Life of a Plantation Slave The death, the torture, the knowledge that each grueling day could be there last. What would it be like to be owned by another person as anything else is owned? Slaves were owned by other people. To buy a slave was very costly just as something in a store might be. There are two types of slaves, field workers and house slaves or servants. Most people would think that being a house slave would be easier, but being on task at all times, or being a cook for a whole plantation was not easy. Being a field slave was not easy at all. A field slave worked from sunrise to sunset, but during harvest, they worked an eighteen-hour day. A field worker was out in the field when the first sign of light shone until it was too dark to see. Women field workers worked the same hours as men. Pregnant women were expected to work until the child was born, and after the child's birth the woman worked in the field with the child on her back. Field workers lived in tiny huts with dirt for a floor. These small huts were no protection against the cold winter winds. Slaves slept on rough blankets inside the hut. On Saturday nights, slaves from different plantations usually came together to have a meeting. After a day on a cotton plantation the slaves got in a line to have their cotton weighed and receive their daily food. The minimum amount of cotton to be picked in one day was 200 pounds. The field slaves were driven all day long by a white person with a whip (The Cat of 9 Tails), hired by the owner of the plantation. At about the age of twelve a child's work became almost the same as an adult's. Slaves got Sundays off and maybe parts of Saturday unless it was during harvest. On very hot days slaves might be given one to two hours off at midday. Slaves sometimes hunted and fished during their free time. A field worker's day was filled

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