Cyp3.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4

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3.1. Explain how to monitor children and young people’s development using different methods. Method | Description | How do you use this to monitor development | Observation | This describes the process of watching the children, listening to them and taking notes of what you see and hear. Information from observation on a children's progress is passed onto the teacher who will then report it to the parents. | By observation teacher can find out what is child weakness strengths, knowledge, interests, and skills. Teacher discovers barriers that may be inhibiting his/ her success. | Assessment framework/s | The assessment framework is used to determine whether a child is in need and if so the nature of their needs. Once the needs have been established the interventions can be put in place. | The assessment framework is how children are assessed in a school, e.g. when child reads, we write it in their reading records. | Standard measurement | Include health assessments, reasoning tests. Reasoning tests to assess an intellectual age in contrast to a chronological age. | Having a health checks is important to determine whether child is growing at the expected rate for their age. | Information from colleagues and carers | If as a college you see a change in the child you must communicate this to the class teacher to help them to assess what assistance may be required. | If teacher speaks with colleagues about child’s development he/she can discuss next steps needed to be taken to help a child. If teacher speaks with parents/carers they can discuss what changes happened with a child within school and what needs to be improved. | 3.2. Explain the reasons why children and young people’s development may not follow the expected pattern Reason | Example of reason | Effect on development | Disability | Physical or health disability | Child with a
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