Cyp Core 3.1

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3.2 Explain the reasons why children and young people’s development may not follow the expected patterns. There are many reasons why a child’s development not follow the expected pattern including; Disability this may affect a child’s emotional developments for many reasons. A child with a disability whether it is a physical disability or a learning disability may struggle to manage their thoughts and feelings, they may not be able to express those thoughts and feelings and as a result become increasingly frustrated. The child may be unable to form relationships with others in their peer group and may feel isolated and withdrawn. If a child with a disability has emotional developmental delay they may form friendships with children who are much younger than they are which could affect how their same age peers see them. Their peers may label them inappropriately due to this which may cause feelings of isolation. If a child is unable to participate fully in all lessons due to their disability they may begin to lack confidence which will impact upon their self-esteem. The environment in which a child is raised can impact upon their physical development. If for example a child receives an inadequate diet lacking in essential nutrients may develop physically slower than their peers, being significantly smaller than other. Or alternatively they may be significantly larger than their peers which would result in them being unable to participate in physical activities at school e.g. P.E lesson or running and climbing at school. Children who have limited access to play equipment may not be as confident as those who do, being able to take some controlled risks enables a child to begin to balance, jump and climb with increasing confidence and skill. A child who is given access to pens, pencils, crayons and paper at a young age may have more developed fine motor skills
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