1.1 ‘Duty of care’ means a requirement to exercise a ‘reasonable’ degree of attention and caution to avoid negligence which would lead to harm to other people. Working with children and young people brings a significant duty of care and i need to recognise that the younger and more vulnerable the child the greater the duty of care. I must be vigilance to keeps children and young people safe as they develop. In my role as a support worker of children with Autism and challenging behaviour. I must be extra vigilant I work in a small house with 4 student who are all supported one to one.
The wrong person could receive the information and put the adult and child’s safety at risk. • Every matter relating to safe guarding is confidential. • The staffs at the work settings need to know that they have professional responsibility to share information with other agencies in order to safe guard children. • The head of the centre or the designated member of staff will disclose any information about child to other member of staff on a need to know basis only. • All the staff at the work setting aim to ensure that all the parents and carers can share their information with confidence that will be used to enhance the welfare of their children • Development records ( observation, planning ,photographs,….)
It helps to teach the older children to phone 9-1-1 in case you cannot do so or for them so seek help from other teachers or staff. Make sure staff knows how and when to shut off all utilities this could make the evacuation faster and safer. It is very important to stock emergency supplies and a disaster supplies kit. It would be of great help for all staff to attend First-Aid and CPR classes. Find two ways out of each room in the facility in case of entrapment.
The school should have other necessary information of each child going on the trip, including dietary information, allergies, any other medical conditions and also if they suffer from travel sickness. (extra bags must be brought in by an adult). Also, the school should ensure that there is a suitable adult-child ratio and that all supervisors, including parent are DBS checked and competent for the purpose. More importantly, there must be sufficient insurance cover for all participants of the trip as well as accidents and emergency policies and procedures,
209 Support children and young people’s positive behaviour. 1.1 Describe the policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children and young people’s positive behaviour. The policies and procedures in place in my setting relevant to promoting children and young people’s behaviour are, • Behaviour policy • Anti-bullying policy • Attendance • Dealing with conflict and inappropriate behaviour • Rewards and sanctions • Code of conduct Behaviour policy The behaviour policy is a guideline to staff on how pupils should behave. It is important for all staff to apply the behaviour policy for the safety of all pupils and staff. The behaviour policy should be clear for all staff, pupils and parents to understand and be followed at all times.
3.4: Promote children and young people’s positive behaviour. 1.2 Evaluate how the policies and procedures of the setting support children and young people to: * Feel safe- A school should ensure that every child attending the school feels safe. Policies like Safeguarding children ensure that the right procedures are in place to protect children. All staff working within the school should be trained on the correct procedures for safeguarding children. Anti-bullying policies are in place in school to ensure the children know that bullying is not acceptable behaviour but a child should feel confident enough to report an incident if one occurs and should know who they can go to within the school to discuss any such situations.
4.1 All schools have the Health and Safety policies to protect all adults and pupils while they are on school premises and on off-site visits. A Health and Safety policy will also show the procedures of how to deal with any accidents or emergency. Within the Health and Safety policy will also be information on control of substances hazardous to health, procedures for fires or bomb scares, school security and strangers and missing children. It may also contain other information with regards to hygiene, waste disposal, hot beverages and use of dangerous items such as glue guns and scissors. 4.2 The correct procedures for recording and reporting accidents, incidents, injuries, signs of illness and other emergencies will be in a schools’ accidents book.
All staff will know what their job role involves and what other members of staff job roles are, this will make it more safe and secure for the children. 2.2 Identify policies and procedures in the work setting for information sharing? Data protection act 1998 is the legislation that settings base there confidentiality on to make sure information is shared properly. Staff will have follow procedures to make sure the policies are carried out correctly e.g. if you suspected a child was being abused you would tell your manager/
Field trips can be disastrous for teachers. So in a attempt to avoid such things I must ensure that my entire class have adequate care available to them so obtaining chaperones would be my next move. More so, I would ensure that the trip was age appropriate, that its physically conditions were suitable for my pupils and that mentally my class was ready and prepared to be there. I would have to be sure that I am aware of any handicaps my student may have and be aware of all allergies. I would need to have a first aid kit on site and if possible, pre-visit the location before I brought my class so that I can be pre-exposed to any dangers, health or safety hazards.
The person how handle the food should had a food hygiene and safety course. Accident Every accident and incident must be recorded in the accident book and the accident book must be available in the same place so any minor accident and incident can be recorded easily and the nursery should have a qualified first aider. Parents/carers should be informed about any accidents. Medication Every prescribed medication has to be stored in the original container, must be clearly labelled and must be inaccessible to the children. Any medication given to the children is recorded accurately and parents have to sign a form from the setting.