Cyp 3.3 Essay

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CYP 3.3 Task 3 It is important that school and further education provide a safe enviroment for a child or young person to learn and thrive. This is only possible when theier health , safety and wellbeing is not being compromised. Education is important for a person to flourish and empower them to achieve a life outside of poverty and sometimes away from harm. To do this we need to follow policies and procedures that are in place to protect children and young people , and the adults who work with them. All adults with whom have contact with the children should be CRB checks, this checks and criminal records and background. They should be aware of the schools health and safety policy and proceadures to protect themselves and the children. They should risk asses outings and visit. Visiting destinations beforehand and making sure its suitable for everyones needs. Childrens medical needs must be remembered for offsite visit. Ratio of adults to children to public areas and outings. We still have to mindful not to be left alone with a child in our care , so good communication with other staff is vital. If in event they need to report an incident , records should be kept and stored securely and confidentality is vital. All adults should work in a safe open enviroment when working 1 to 1 with a child , so not to leave themselves open to accusations. They should follow guidesline in toileting a child or cleaning up after an accident. Inform another adult what needs to be done and preferly another adult attends. If I felt a fellow member of staff display inappropiate conduct with pupil or other staff member i would speak to my headteacher, if I felt i need to take it further i would then address our Chair of Governors requesting him to me ring me direct. He would follow my concerns up and would informed me of results of his findings. This would be dealt with
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