Cyp 3.2 Essay

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Assignment for CYP3.2 Ac2.3 Reflective account. Code J Write a reflective account giving an example of when you have carried out an activity with a child that reflected a child centred and inclusive approach. In my last activity it was all about messy play. I done animal printing with the children were they learn how to make patterns using colours and their hands to further develop their fine motor skills. For some children this was the first time for them to paint so I have to show them how and where to paint with others it was more about controlling their excitement and teaching them how to control and maintain their motions. I enjoy observing them making options and see their visual input. This type of activities allows them to feel free of learning and exploring and how to be creative whiles been messy. Learning is fun. Ac3.1 complete a flood plan of your setting and annotate to identify features of the environment that promote development. * Baby Gym physical development * Ball Pit physical development * Role play area and Toys social and communication and language development * Books intellectual and communication and language development Toys Cot Area Chair Baby GYM Quite Area Carpet Area And Sleeping Area Ball Pit Role play Toys Black and White area Bed cover Toys Toys Heating Table ++ Children Folder Heating Coats Area Coats Area Small Rug Kitchen Toilet + Changing room Table + Chair Book Area Door Graden Windows Ac4.1 Explain how own working practices can affect children's development. If working practicing are not properly run children will not be able to play and learn properly. By observations and assessments we will be able to plan for the individual child and their needs and adapt activities
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