Cut By Bob Greene Essay

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I was raised on a small island off the coast of Spain called Ibiza. For anyone who has been to Europe, you will have a good understanding of the impact soccer has on a person’s life. If I wasn’t playing soccer, I was watching my father play the game. If neither of us were playing, we were most likely watching it on television. It may be a cliché, but soccer was my life growing up! In Bob Greene’s essay “Cut”, he explains how being cut from a basketball team in 7th grade made him feel, and how it shaped him into the person he is today. He describes the feeling of inadequacy by not being good enough. Bob Greene portrays how that event made him stronger, “never to allow someone to tell me that I’m not good enough again” (Miller, “Cut” 86). As a young child, I lived my life to play soccer. I grew up everyday being surrounded by the sport. Naturally, the love for the game has been embedded within me. There are few things in life a person can have such passion for. I lived in Spain until the age of eleven, when I moved to Chico California. I was immediately dumbfounded at the lack of resources for my…show more content…
My confidence was at an all time high! My father thought I needed a challenge, so he convinced me to try out for the High School Varsity team. Obviously, I was certain I would dominate. I had never been unsure about my ability. Tryouts began after school on a beautiful Monday afternoon. Instantly, I realized the skill of this team was way above what I had been accustomed to. For the first time, I began to feel unsure of my talent. The list was posted every morning following try outs. Every day I woke up and rushed to school with the anticipation that my name would not be there. But for the first week of two, I managed to succeed. It wasn’t until a rainy Wednesday, two days from the final cut, that my name ceased to exist on the team roster. I was

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