Customer Satisfaction And Loyalty

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Linking the Service-Profit Chain Customer loyalty drives Profit and Growth The service-profit chain research suggests that customer loyalty is the key determinant of profitability .A research suggested that a 5% improvement in customer loyalty results in a 25-85% improvement in profits. Customer satisfaction drives Customer Loyalty There are two things about loyalty which are important to notice. A satisfied customer is not automatically a loyal customer. It’s only the super satisfied customers who become loyal. That is why ‘satisfied’ is not enough in a world of abundance which is the situation for many companies today. Add to that the tough reality that what we considered fantastic last year is what we expect this year. The expectations of the customer change all the time. If a company wants to maintain the loyalty it has to get better and better. Xerox found that customers that rated them 5 (on a 1-5 customer satisfaction ranking) were six times more likely to repurchase Xerox equipment versus those at the 4 rating level. Xerox coined the term "apostles" to characterize the customers that rated them a 5. Just as important is to avoid creating terrorists: customers that become so upset the make it a point to speak out about the poor service they received at every opportunity. Loyal customers are more likely to tell others about their loyalty than just satisfied customers. Excited customers tell other people about their experiences and create ambassadors for the company. They become loyal customers and they keep returning. Value drives Customer Satisfaction The primary determinant of customer satisfaction is perceived value – that the customer has gained more from the product than he or she thinks it is worth. The key to create value is the ability to bond emotionally with the customers and create emotional experiences. Employee Productivity drives Value

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