Current Situation Flower Bulb Company

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1/3/2011 Jodie Tielbeke, Lilian Bouw, Laura Wakker, Rosanne Koet, Karen Ottema, Roxane Poth | 2ibl2 | M.I.M Ltd Bulgaria | Current situation | Table of contents 0. Introduction 3 1. Internal analysis 4 - 12 1.1 Company description 4 - 6 1.2 Stakeholders 7 1.3 Product portfolio 8 - 11 1.4 Financials 11 1.5 Strengths and weaknesses 12 2. External analysis 13 - 32 2.1 PESTEL analysis of Bulgaria 13 - 17 2.2 PESTEL analysis of The Netherlands 18 - 22 2.3 Market definition 23 - 25 2.4 Market position 26 - 29 2.5 Segmenting and targeting consumer 29 - 30 2.6 Threats and opportunities 31 - 32 3. Complete SWOT 33 - 34 3.1 the SWOT analysis 33 3.2 Reflections on findings and possible improvements 34 3.3 Conclusion 34 4. Bibliography 35 - 37 Introduction This report contains an analysis made for M.I.M Ltd Bulgaria, a partly Dutch, partly Bulgarian based company in the flower bulb industry, with its export market in Bulgaria. First, an internal analysis has been made which gives an image of the company as a whole, concluding with its strengths and weaknesses. The internal analysis is being followed by an external analysis, giving an image of the complete current environment in which the company operates. Subsequently, a conclusion with the opportunities and threats is given. The analysis is completed with a complete SWOT-table, a reflection of the findings plus possible improvements for the company and a conclusion in which the answer to the question why the company is successful or not in its current environment is given. 1. Internal Analysis 1.1 Company description History of the company Diana Atanassova, Martin Angelov, Ivo Vlavdov and Martin Stoyanov started the company M.I.M

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