Current Conflict: Deforestation Worldwide

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One of the biggest environmental issues is deforestation. There are many different points of views on deforestation. This essay reveals that deforestation is an extremely urgent conflict and we have to gather more environmental-friendly people to work together for a better environment. We must gather environmental groups, individual persons to work with the government. In order to prove this, investigation is required. It is essential to find out the benefits and detriments in order to prove my consumption right. It is also necessary to find out how deforestation began and what caused deforestation to happen. Also, it is important to know what the consequences are. In this essay, it will be relevant to know how we can stop deforestation. This essay explores every aspect of deforestation thus creating knowledge about both points of views on the conflict and knowing the benefits and detriments of deforestation. This essay sets out to prove that illegal logging should be banned, and logging should only be conducted under the guidance of the government. Logging should be allowed but the government, environment groups and individuals ought to work together to create a limit so that we can keep the balance of Earth’s support-system yet be able to manage satisfying basic human needs. Other foreign countries can often overlook this conflict because it can appear to be less important. In contrast, this conflict is actually extremely important due to the fact that one of the results of this conflict would mean extinction of the human species. This essay sets out to prove that deforestation is an urging conflict that must be resolved immediately before any further harm is caused. Behind every conflict, there is a reason why that conflict started up. The cause of deforestation is due to both indirect and direct causes linking to deforestation. Indirect causes include

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